The Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was founded on 11th February 1903 by Rev. Fr. Adrian Caussanel, SJ (1850-1930), a French Jesuit missionary, at Irudayakulam, near Vickramasingapuram in Tirunelveli district.
Angelo Province is one of the administrative divisions of the Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was created a Province in 2000. The Province is named after Bro. E.M.J. Angelo, SHJ, the co-founder and the first Superior General.

Our Social Action
Facilitating social transformation remains a priority of the institution and hence the focus on social action. In line with the charism of the founder, the institution takes preferential option siding the poor, thereby addressing issues of social justice.
Having promoted social development programmes/projects for over 3 decades, the institution has revamped its strategies through a continuous process of organisational development and change management.

Our Founder – Servant of God
Fr. Adrian Caussanel SJ
Born at Mazieres, Aveyron District, France in the year 1850. Young Caussanel joined the Society of Jesus in 1875. After having undergone his religious formation he landed at Pondicherry in India in 1888.
A frail man, with bright eyes and an indomitable will, went about doing good espousing the cause of the poor and pleading for social justice. He was undaunted in the face of opposition. The oppressed found in him a champion of their cause and a crusader for the realization of their hopes and aspiration. When justice was denied to them people looked up only to him to fight for them
Co-Founder & Patron
Rev. Bro. E.M.J. Angelo SHJ was born on 04.06.1880 at Keelamidalam, Kulachal in Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu. He was one among the foundational group members and dedicated himself totally for the greater glory of God till his last breath
He was blessed with the high mental calibre and his thirst for acquiring knowledge lead him to establish a well-equipped library at the Generalate, Palayamkottai.

Associates of Angelo Province
Aware of God’s presence in their lives, moved by the Holy Spirit by virtue of their Baptism, sustained by the living Christ in the Eucharist, and acknowledging Jesus’ Gospel appeal, the Associates of Angelo Province are inspired by the charism, spirit and legacy of Rev. Br. E.M.J. Angelo SHJ.
They strive to grow in their relationship with Jesus by living the Gospel message and a life devoted to prayer, justice, and charitable and educational works, especially with the poor and marginalized.
Provincial Team

Associates of Angelo Province
Aware of God’s presence in their lives, moved by the Holy Spirit by virtue of their Baptism, sustained by the living Christ in the Eucharist, and acknowledging Jesus’ Gospel appeal, the Associates of Angelo Province are inspired by the charism, spirit and legacy of Rev. Br. E.M.J. Angelo SHJ.

Angelo Province is one of the administrative divisions of the Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was created a Province in 2000.
The Congregation of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a indigenous Religious Brotherhood congregation. It was founded by Rev. Fr. Adrian Caussanal SJ in 1903 with 8 brothers at Iruthayakulam, Tirunelveli.